Recently, as I post in my shout out, I'm doing my Final Year Project under the supervision of Dr. Haresh, title "Development of Functional Food". Well, I'm doing not really food but instead a drink - Mangosteen Drink. I'm doing the project at Taman Perindustrian Puchong (Furley Sdn Bhd) together with Yin Sian but she is doing cocoa drink.
Well, this project kinda killing me because they want me to do this drink for some functional properties except for antioxidant properties. After changing my directions a few times, I ended up doing the anti hypertension properties. However, I still can't find one free article, journal or what so ever scientific related writing about this property except a brief facts on it.
Still struggling to come out a better formulation for my mangosteen juice while searching the net for any pieces of related article or journal. Today, my supervisor from the company comment on my drink. She said it was OK but the taste doesn't stay too long. She rates the drink and gave me 65 marks. LOL. Like having an exam.
Next week, I gotta try and error again to come out with a better tasting mangosteen juice, hopefully. I'm gonna figure it out the formula again, since I'm thinking of substituting the sugar with sweetener, since it is more health conscious. Below is my latest Mangosteen Formulation photo.