
Monday, October 26, 2015

Another Wisdom Tooth Extracted

It has been about 7 years since the last time I extracted my left lower jaw wisdom tooth. Now, my right side is giving me a problem. So I decided to extract it as well. It cost me a bomb. The whole dental surgery cost me RM 1,100, which includes X-ray and the local anaesthetic.

So I went to Khoo Dental again for my hopefully last wisdom tooth extraction ever. On the left, it is my x-ray for the wisdom tooth that I need to get rid of. Apparently it seated very close to my nerve so making the operation a little bit scary for me. But I still go through it and finally I gotten rid of it. The dentist cut the tooth into 4 fragments. I did not retrieved back this tooth as it doesn't hold its shape anymore.

Today is the 7th day after my dental surgery, my gum is still swollen and occasionally still feel the pain. Of course when I touches the wounded area, the pain is there. Otherwise, I think I can still survive it.

Eating food has become a challenge for me as to be able to chew my food without hurting and feeling the pain is almost impossible. I just hope that it will recover soon so that I can really enjoy my food again, especially chocolates.

So this is the end of my post this week. I hope I can blog weekly for now.